QLV Psychology acknowledges the unique pain in all individuals. We appreciate that there isn’t one, single therapeutic technique that can be applied to any given personal issue, and instead we choose a more holistic approach in identifying the best set of integrative therapies for you as an individual.
Integrative Therapy
Integrative therapy is a holistic and adaptive form of psychotherapy that is tailored to the unique and specific needs of the individual. The integrative therapist identifies the idiosyncratic structures of each individual client’s issues and merges the appropriate techniques from their repertoire of therapeutic strategies, and from this provides counselling that is bespoke to the client. Integrative therapy is more malleable and inclusive than the rigid, linear and limiting forms of traditional psychotherapy.
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Clinical Hypnosis is guided therapy under hypnosis where the therapist induces a relaxed state of mind. The client is aware of their surroundings but retains their focus on the thought process as directed by the hypnotist. Through this technique, the therapist helps you to access your unconscious mind where your profound creativity and healing potential is housed, and where you’re able to examine your ingrained habits and negative thoughts and you can begin to deconstruct these barriers. In a state of hypnosis, the overly critical, judgmental and limiting conscious mind is in a relaxed state, allowing the unconscious mind to be more present and more open to healing.
Counselling Workshops
The School of Resilience is developed for children, teenagers and adults to bolster your resilience. Resilience is your ability to cope with difficult emotions and manage stress during changing circumstances and crises so that you can come out on the other side of dramatic life events a much stronger and more resourceful individual.
Client Feedback
It’s good to talk!
To find out if QLV Counselling and Hypnotherapy is for you,
phone Natalia Morozoff on 1300 994 948 for an obligation-free chat.
Counselling sessions start from $180 for 1 hour. We offer counselling in Brisbane but also via phone.
Hypnotherapy session is $215 and goes for up to 1 hour.
Home visits from $50 extra, depending on your location and parking availabilities.
Home Visits
QLV Psychology offers counselling services for you at home. We appreciate that for most people their home is their sanctuary, and we can provide integrative therapy and clinical hypnosis in the familiar comfort of your home.
Call us on 1300 994 948 to arrange a home visit.
END Suffering in Yourself
1 min Stress Relief Meditation
Childhood Traumas Can Affect Health Across a Lifetime
We look forward to hearing from you. All provided information is private and confidential.
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